Divine Moving and Storage

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When we have to move we often try to get all the help we need. Besides professional help, we reach out to friends and family to get the job done faster. There can be a few downsides when asking your friends to help you pack. So if you still do want your friends to help you, let’s list the possible outcomes.

Your friends have busy lives

When asking your friends to help you move you are asking for their free time. All of us have busy schedules and that can’t always fit in. Your friends might be there if you are lucky but others may be too busy. That is completely normal and there should not be hard feelings about it. Reliable movers like Manhattan moving are there for you always. And that is a huge upside. You will get the job done faster and more professionally. Asking your friends to help you pack might be more fun. But movers are always on time and they are professionals. Maybe ask for a bit of help here and there. But do not overburden your friends.

A woman talking about asking your friends to help you pack
Think about your friends’ schedules before asking your friends to help you pack

Asking your friends to help you pack might lead to a conflict

We are open and free with our friends but that may take a toll on your moving. You do not always agree with your friends and that is completely normal. But in stressful times such as moving, things can escalate really quickly. A minor issue can escalate into a real fight between friends. Moving boxes Manhattan are sturdy and durable, but your friends might not be experienced with packing well. To avoid that you still may want to reconsider asking friends to help you pack. This might not be the case with you and your friends though. It is just a possibility to consider.

What if your items get damaged?

Since your friends are probably not professional movers, mistakes can happen. These mistakes can lead to serious damage to your property. You will probably feel bad if you ask your friends to pay you back. It was an honest mistake and they were just trying to help. But have that in mind when asking friends to help you pack. Are there any items you want to be treated with care? Better state that in advance so nothing is broken beyond repair.

Once you move, your friends probably won’t be able to help you. Especially if you moved far away. You will still have a lot to do once you have relocated. That job will be entirely up to you now. But make sure you have time to ease and relax your mind between sessions of hard work. So consider hiring movers to help you both here and once you move.

friends talking
Don’t forget to return the favor

Asking friends to help you pack can be a lot of fun. But it can also lead to some ends you don’t want to go to. So think through your decision and do what your heart tells you. Follow your instincts, because they are never wrong.

About Author

John has been with Divine Moving and Storage in New York for nearly two decades. Starting as a young helper and climbing up the ranks to be a staple in our organization. John has the knowledge and experience to assist our clients with any move or storage related needs. You can reach John or any of our associates in NYC at 212-244-4011

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