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“Moving to Manhattan? Forget King Kong, it’s about King Boxes! Save the drama for Broadway and trust Divine Moving & Storage for a box-office hit move to Manhattan! ???#BroadwayBound #ManhattanMove #DivineMoving”
Manhattan does sound nice, doesn’t it? The glamour, the lifestyle, the speed of it. Always being surrounded by new people, always something new happening. Manhattan is truly alive and you can never be bored while living in it. But, behind all of that culture and excitement lies something that no Manhattan landlord would like you to know. A reason why more and more people are looking for local movers Manhattan and considering leaving Manhattan. Something that you should definitely know before moving to Manhattan.

“Manhattan isn’t just a destination, it’s a vibe! Moving in? Let Divine Moving & Storage turn that Big Apple move from sour to sweet! ?️?? #MovingToManhattan #BigAppleMove #DivineMoving”
Life in Manhattan is hard to describe. Since there are so many people living in Manhattan there are different lifestyles and different cultures present around every corner. But, to give you a better idea on what to expect once you move your home to Manhattan, we are going to give you a quick rundown of what an average Manhattan lifestyle is like. Keep in mind though that this is only supposed to give you a broad strokes idea on what living in Manhattan is like. How your life will turn out to be is entirely dependent on you.
The first thing you will notice after moving to Manhattan is that it is expensive. Many people still live here, and many more want to come. And as always, you cannot escape from the laws of economics. The greater the demand, the greater the cost. By people’s testimonies, you will need around $50.000 a year to live comfortably in Manhattan. Now, for some people that is a lot, and for others that is not much. You should expect this amount of money if you are working in some growing industries like IT or technology.
The mood
Everyone is rushing. Everywhere. All the time. Manhattan is not a slow city. Here you will be on the clock from the moment you get up in the morning. You will, most likely, have a strict schedule and you will have to keep up with it to the bone. Even though there is plenty of work in Manhattan, there is also plenty of people trying to make Manhattan their new home.
So, you should expect competition to be fierce. You will meet friends and acquaintances just like you would in any other place. But, the main difference will be that here everyone is very career oriented. You do not move to Manhattan unless you want to make it big time.
Average NYC resident in Manhattan
What is your average Manhattan resident like? Simple. He is in a hurry, career oriented and has no time for your bull. Just like any other NYC resident, just crank up the non-tolerance scale to 11. The size of Manhattan and the rush have made the people very cold towards each other. Everyone is minding their own business and they hate it if you try to meddle in theirs. They will be brash and loud. They know what they want and they want it yesterday! Don’t get us wrong, though. These are just some generalizations. There are good, hardworking quiet people living in Manhattan. But, you will meet your fair share of the people we have described and you best learn how to deal with them now.
Is Manhattan for you?
This is the question you really need to ask yourself. Many people see Manhattan in the movies or in TV shows and think that Manhattan is just the city for them. They are tired of living in small towns where they cannot make big bucks and live a fabulous lifestyle. Well, what you need to do, if you want to make a mature decision about moving to Manhattan, is to carefully consider if you are the type of person that will thrive in Manhattan.
“Dreaming of Manhattan mornings? Leave the moving nightmares to us! Divine Moving & Storage will handle your move to the city that dreams are made of! Wake up to your Manhattan Morning with ease! #ManhattanDream #DivineMoving”
Manhattan is a city for extroverts. There is no way around this. If you are an introvert that likes being with familiar people in safe environments where nothing unusual happens, Manhattan is not for you. To live in Manhattan you need to be aware of your surroundings and have a thick skin. Mind you, some people like this. They are reading this and thinking “Hell, yeah! Give me some of that crowd and chaos!“. But, if you are an introvert who would like to try out living in a bigger city, skip Manhattan. Go to a smaller city that is still big and try your luck there.
“Moving to Manhattan? Forget King Kong, it’s about King Boxes! Save the drama for Broadway and trust Divine Moving & Storage for a box-office hit move to Manhattan! ???”
It should come with no surprise that the people who grew up in smaller cities often think about moving to Manhattan. They think that they are missing out on adventures, parties and good times. Trust us, that is not Manhattan. Well, technically it is, but only for a small percentage of people. Most of the people living in Manhattan are so overworked and tired that the little free time they have, they use on getting some rest. And even if they go out, they go to a local bar or club that you can find in any other city. Exclusive clubs are expensive and hard to get in, so you don’t expect that you can visit them the moment you arrive in Manhattan.
Moving to Manhattan
If after all of this Manhattan sounds like a place for your, great. But, before you go, here are some tips for moving to Manhattan to help you along.
- Start preparing on time – When is the right time? The moment you decide that you are moving to Manhattan. Start your planning and packing right away. There will be plenty of other things that you need to take care of along the way.
- Look for expert Manhattan movers – professionals are best suited to move you to Manhattan. The reason is simple. Traffic. They know all the ins and outs of driving in Manhattan and are your best bet to get there in record time.
- Keep your head straight – People tend to let Manhattan get to them once they move there. Don’t let that happen to you. Keep your feet on the ground and know that you can always move out of Manhattan.